
We study your organization to understand more deeply how change is fueled and managed in your organization to support your DEI aspirations and investments. Employing tailored diagnostic strategies and meaningful engagement with you and your teams, we translate data, trends and key challenges into a blueprint for success.

Theory of Action

Theory of Action

If we
Center our work on human sustainability and needs

We will
Nurture healthy workplace life and culture

If we
Help organizations make meaning of their strengths and growth areas and unite around common goals and aspirations

We will
Cultivate workplace stability in the face of challenge and chaos

If we
Tailor services to meet the clients needs based on thoughtful assessments and diagnostics

We will
Enable organizations to align their work with their highest aspirations for equity

If we
Coach leaders on a framework for equity and change

We will
Reimagine equity in the workplace and build and sustain meaningful change over time

If we
Ground team development and training in tenets of equity and design

We will
Amplify the power of collaborative problem solving and shared leadership/ stewardship

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